Chez Crete Expert, nous proposons une gamme complète de services de conseil immobilier sur l’île pittoresque de Crète, en Grèce. Que vous souhaitiez acheter, vendre ou investir dans l’immobilier, nous sommes là pour vous guider à chaque étape du processus:

Nos services

  • Transactions immobilières : nous facilitons l’achat et la vente de propriétés en Crète, garantissant une expérience fluide et sans tracas.
  • Expertise en investissement : notre équipe effectue des évaluations juridiques, financières et techniques approfondies de votre projet d’investissement, vous fournissant ainsi des informations précieuses et une tranquillité d’esprit.
  • Partenaires fiables : Nous collaborons exclusivement avec des promoteurs et des propriétaires immobiliers réputés, vous garantissant l’accès aux meilleures parcelles et options immobilières de l’île.

Votre maison de rêve en Crète, Grèce

Notre mission principale est d’être votre partenaire de confiance dans la recherche du bien immobilier idéal pour se détendre et vivre en Crète, en Grèce. Nous nous engageons à créer des logements confortables et entièrement équipés qui transformeront vos rêves de bord de mer en réalité.

Lorsque vous choisissez Crète Expert, vous choisissez un partenaire engagé dans vos objectifs immobiliers. Découvrez la beauté de la Crète et laissez-nous vous aider à trouver la maison de vos rêves au bord de la mer.

Société immobilière et de construction

Anyone who has been to Greece at least once is thinking of purchasing a house on the Mediterranean coast for holidays or investment purposes.

The real estate market does not always have offers that meet the customer’s expectations in terms of comfort level, price-quality ratio. In this case, a profitable solution would be to build a house or villa according to an individual project.

The company « Crete Expert » is one of the leading consulting companies in Greece and its main direction is the construction of houses on a turnkey basis.

Based on the fact that home is the most important thing for every owner, we will make your dreams and projects come true.

The best indicator of our work is the numerous positive reviews of our clients who have been cooperating with us for many years. The system of working with our clients is built in such a way as to minimize the degree of risk and increase confidence in us, as well as create and build an object with the highest degree of quality.

Visa d'or

The company « Crete Expert » offers a service for obtaining a residence permit in Greece on the basis of the purchase of real estate and investments, ranging from the initial consultation on the issues of obtaining a residence permit, ending with full support of the process of obtaining a residence in Greece.

By investing in real estate from 250,000 euros, you and your family receive a residence permit and the opportunity to travel freely throughout Europe without a visa.

Services de consultation

In our company, you will receive a full range of consulting services for the implementation of investment activities, as well as subsequent project support: preparation for a transaction and legal registration, property management (repair work, leasing an object), as well as tax administration of the object.

You can entrust us with the construction of a house or villa, renovation of secondary housing, purchase of a car, organization of celebrations and excursions, yacht and helicopter rental.

We advise on the transfer of funds to the territory of Greece, help with opening a bank account when investing in real estate in Greece, obtaining a foreigner’s tax number, provide full legal support in the process of a purchase and sale transaction.

For investment in real estate and the provision of consulting services in Crete, leave a request on the website or contact the company by phone.